Advanced Enterprise Agility

"Advanced Enterprise Agility, Inc. is committed to the next iteration of Agile transformation. We will not be using the "consulting pricing model" of time and expenses. Our goal is to deliver Value and to delight our customers, not to sell buckets of hours. If we cannot identify, define and price Value, we should not be coaching transformation."

- Jeff Burstein, CEO Advanced Enterprise Agility, Inc.

Transformation's next iteration
Changing business landscapes and maturing customer demands are forcing companies of all sizes, from Fortune 500 to start-up, to look for a new approaches to improving quality, ensuring predictability, maximizing productivity and increasing employee satisfaction . Years of research has shown that Lean-Agile management, system design, delivery methodologies, and mindset are critical components of culture and processes in organizations wishing to stay relevant and competitive in today's challenging markets.

Organizations looking to start an Agile transformation all face a similar problem, how to find a partner who is invested in their success. Many Agile consulting and coaching companies, who preach the "New Away of working", charge based on the antiquated "consulting models" of billing for time and materials - resulting in raising costs year after year. Larger consulting firms have little incentive to "finish the job" as they only make money as long as their consultants "continue the work" of transformation - racking up hundreds, if not thousands of billable hours and expenses.

This approach has made it difficult for small and medium sized companies, as well as large companies with financial challenges, start the work of transformation, leaving them ill equipped to complete again their more adaptive, reactive and Agile competitors.

What our customers say.

"I would recommend Advanced Enterprise Agility for any program without hesitation. I entered hoping to learn some strategies to more effectively manage projects with a nimble and often over-taxed team. I left the program with an entirely new mindset as to how to approach challenges at work and in all aspects of my life.

Not only is our team more productive and more efficient, this has spilled over into my personal life as well. Most of all, both my work and home life have a certain calmness that I haven't felt in a long time. I know my team feels the same way. I'm excited to continue improving and know AEA is available for advice if we ever start to revert to old habits." - Ben Sosne, The BIC

Are you ready for next iteration in Agile Transformations?

Then join the agile evolution
Join the Agile revolution
Feel free to contact us if you want to know more

Phone: 803-524-1346
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